Acabado perfecto
El resultado en la piel es maravilloso 😍
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Si nos pudiera acompañar un cartel en la vida sería el de: brillos en la piel no, gracias. Pero es que además de eso, cuando se trata de maquillaje también queremos muchas otras cosas: que no nos marque poros y arrugas, que la piel se vea sana y que no tenga un aspecto seco, que esté más lisa y suave, y sobre todo, ya que pedimos: que el makeup nos dure intacto horas y horas.
¿Y puede un solo producto reunir todo lo que la piel necesita para que se vea matificada y bonita sin perder su identidad? Con estos polvos translúcidos enriquecidos con ácido hialurónico con doble eficacia hidratante, sí.
Matifican la piel sin perder su luminosidad natural, controlan los brillos y suavizan la textura para dejar un acabado de piel sedosa y sana.
Cantidad: 11g
We’ve sourced raw materials that are as light as a feather and transparent, because we wanted to make sure this wouldn’t be visible on the skin. The result is a translucent powder that acts as an invisible veil, which won’t weigh you down or be at all obvious.
When looking for the perfect translucent powder, it’s easy to end up choosing one that’s too heavy and dry. The drier the powder, the more any wrinkles and the texture of the skin will stand out.
We searched high and low for raw materials that would give us this ultra-fine texture. And we’ve added hyaluronic acid to the formula to make up for the dehydrating effect powder can have. That means your skin will be left more elastic, fresher and softer, and that glorious sensation will last for hours and hours.
A natural explosion of antioxidants that helps protect the skin from free radicals, which we’d rather not get too up close and personal with.
Yes, an extremely subtle colour that won’t alter your skin tone.
For the face and T zone, it’s best to use a powder brush. For the under-eye area, it’s better to use a smaller one that gives you more precision. You can also use a powder puff if you’re looking to amp up the mattifying effect.
Yes! To make sure this worked for dry and mature skin too, we made sure to include hyaluronic acid with a double moisturising effect. That means it’ll feel good on your skin for hour after hour. And as it’s so fine, it’ll keep your skin looking healthy without drying it out.
Yes, as long as you’re not looking for an ultra-matte powder that will keep shine under control for hours and hours on end. This powder is designed to have a matte effect, but it’s not specifically for oily skin. If you don’t mind retouching it now and gain, it’ll be perfect for you.
This translucent powder doesn’t give any coverage, and it doesn’t even out or correct your skin tone.
You can definitely use it with foundation, just not as a substitute.
Yes, you can use it anywhere on the face. But remember, the eye area is a sensitive one and creases and texture are easily created. So, remember to moisturise before you apply this powder.